A global approach to shark and ray conservation with Rima Jabado, Emiliano García Rodríguez and Ciaran Hyde
Sharks and ray populations across the world are in freefall. Reversing these declines requires coordinated, global effort – but how can this be achieved? At the International Marine Protected Areas Congress (IMPAC5) in Vancouver, Canada, host Isla sat down with Rima Jabado, fisheries scientist and head of the IUCN Shark Specialist Group, and elasmobranch scientists Emiliano García Rodríguez and Ciaran Hyde to talk about Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRAs). Lead by a growing international team of scientists, policy-makers and practitioners, the ISRAs project aims to put sharks on the map – collating information on areas around the world that serve a vital function for sharks and rays, and making this information freely available to help decision-makers and managers build better, informed protective measures for sharks and rays around the world.
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