The Future of Shark Conservation is Collaboration

The Shark and Ray Recovery Initiative (SARRI) and Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRAs) are two different projects with strong synergy and opportunities to achieve more.

ISRAs featured in IUCN Marine News

An article entitled ‘Ocean Optimism: Important Shark and Ray Areas (ISRAs), an innovative approach to conservation’ was published in IUCN’s Marine News latest issue.

Future Oceans: Priority Areas for Biodiversity Conservation

Like puzzle pieces that slot together across our oceans to create a picture, scientists hope to create a holistic overview of the key places we must prioritize for protection

Safe space for sharks – ISRAs

Important Shark and Ray Areas are the feature story in the fifth issue of Shark News, the IUCN SSC Shark Specialist Group quarterly magazine.

Putting critical sites for sharks on the map

The Save Our Seas Foundation has featured a story about the importance of this new tool to ensure the right areas for sharks are considered in spatial planning such as the design and designation of marine protected areas.

ISRAs featured in GOBI newsletter

An article introducing the Important Shark and Ray Areas was featured in the Global Ocean Biodiversity Initiative (GOBI) latest newsletter.